A few days after I wrote this it was announced that Birchbox received $10.5million in additional funding for growth.
I'm hearing and seeing the complaints. They're louder as the months go on. Maybe more people are complaining since Birchbox seems to be exploding with new subscribers. Growing at a rate of 50% per month it has been estimated that Birchbox currently has 45,000 members (60,000 members by the time this posts). Still, I'm left to wonder: Why does it seem they aren't hearing you?
I'm hearing and seeing the complaints. They're louder as the months go on. Maybe more people are complaining since Birchbox seems to be exploding with new subscribers. Growing at a rate of 50% per month it has been estimated that Birchbox currently has 45,000 members (60,000 members by the time this posts). Still, I'm left to wonder: Why does it seem they aren't hearing you?
Is no one listening or is it deeper. Have you actually spoken up or is the indirectness of your communication from a fear of burning the proverbial bridge or you simply believe nothing can be done? Perhaps they have just been too overwhelmed to do anything about it.
I guess the first question would be, why are you unhappy?
Are you missing product(s)? Is it the lackluster items coming your way? Do you despise the shipping company?
Have you contacted someone over your concerns? When was the last time you updated your Beauty Profile answers? Ok, that last one might not make a difference but it can't hurt to double check that you were being honest with yourself when you originally completed it.
Are you missing product(s)? Is it the lackluster items coming your way? Do you despise the shipping company?
Have you contacted someone over your concerns? When was the last time you updated your Beauty Profile answers? Ok, that last one might not make a difference but it can't hurt to double check that you were being honest with yourself when you originally completed it.
Only you know how best to spend your hard earned money. If cancelling your subscription is the right decision for you, do it. If you're looking for another option, here is some helpful information:
Birchbox contact: 877-487-7272 (M-F from 9am-5pm EST) info@birchbox.com 230 Park Avenue South, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10003. They also have a twitter and facebook page.
Did you know that you can leave feedback on Birchbox about the products included in your box? Once your contents load onto your profile page, you can click on the item name to the right, which will load the product's shop page.
Click on the item name on the right side. |
In the lower right hand corner of the shop page, there is an active icon that says "feedback". That Icon will stay active for 30 days. Click and complete a little survey where you can leave feedback and voice your opinion.
It takes 24hrs for the Feedback button to appear |
There are a few multiple choice questions asking: if you have replaced a product you were currently using with a product that came in your box, are you currently using other products from that vendor, are you planning on purchasing products from this vendor and other comments that you would like to leave. This is your opportunity to be heard.
Feedback is about an explanation, not an emotion. Constructive criticism should be delivered in a language similar to selling the features and benefits of an item; this has / which will. This _______ is designed for ________ which does not work for me because_________. Or simply state Quidad: Gel isn't for me because I have straight hair which responds better to serums. I did not try this sample. Another Example: This is the 4th shadow primer that I have received, please stop including shadow primer in my boxes. If an analyst is actually reading the comments, they will be able to thread together a pattern of complaints that are actionable, rather than just reading "it sucked".
Click to enlarge. |
It might not move mountains right away but if people are consistent and constructive in their feedback the experience might improve for all members.