I was super excited to be a VIP guest at PHAMExpo in Pasadena, June 2013. You can image the visions of hauls dancing in my head! Unfortunately I contracted food poisoning Friday night and spent 95% of my time in LA in my hotel bed but I was able to make a few little purchases on day 1. Please join me as I present my beautiful little PHAMExpo haul! I started at Parian Spirit, a profession makeup brush cleansing solution and system. I was eager to find the booth and check this product out for myself, especially since I am so unhappy with my current cleanser. This product is simple and smells like citrus. Yum! I chose the spray and the canister because these vessels will give me multiple ways to clean and disinfect my makeup brushes and false eyelashes.
Navigating the dirty world of Clean Beauty buzzwords and overpriced Yoga props.